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Fitness Holidays For Singles In A Haven Of Nature

Fitness holidays for singles in a haven of nature

Fitness holidays for singles

Fitness holidays for singlesWhether you’re new to fitness or just getting started, joining one of the fitness holidays for singles can be a great way to work on your training and meet new people from around the world. Here’s plenty of reasons why joining one makes a whole lot of sense.

There’s a great support system

Never been away on your own? By joining one of the fitness holidays for singles, you’ll have a ready-made support system with multiple trainers and other guests who are on the same journey as you. You don’t have to waste time planning or worrying about tickets, picks ups and booking tours because everything is arranged for you leaving you time to focus on your fitness. With group motivation and the camaraderie that goes along with it, you’ll push yourself harder than you thought possible.

Weight Loss Holidays for singles

Most of us feel we need to shed a few kilos or pounds. Losing weight and reducing fat is one of the benefits of attending one of our transformative retreats. Losing weight improves our health, self confidence and makes us feel more energised and alive. 

You’ll be meeting new people

Whether you’re just looking for a little company during your healthy holiday or want to make new friends, when you book one of the best fitness holidays for singles, you’ll all be there with the same goal making for a great way to break the ice. Though they aren’t dating holidays, with a shared passion for fitness and an exotic location to explore, you might just find that special someone.

Fitness holidays for singlesPush yourself to the limit

You don’t need to be sporty or fit to join one of the fitness holidays. They’re open to all levels even if you’re a completely newbie to workout training. Don’t worry, there’ll be others in the same boat and together with the small group, you’ll be making headway on your training in no time. This is a place to challenge yourself, set goals and push yourself to the limit in a supportive environment.

Start feeling great, both mentally and physically

Don’t have time for exercise? Spend too much time stuck at your desk in the office? You’ll find that it doesn’t take long on a fitness holiday to start feeling energised again. Just a few days of training with like-minded individuals and you’ll see a marked difference in the way both your body and your mind feel. You’ll pick up lots of tips and tricks to help you continue to feel better when you return to the office.

Going completely solo is much harder work

Fitness holidays for singlesThere’s nothing stopping you from picking up your backpack and heading off completely solo, but after the age of 30 when hostels just don’t seem than appealing anyone, meeting people on the road gets a little trickier. Thankfully, you won’t have that problem if you join a singles holiday where you’ll have a ready-made group for sharing your fun and adventures.

Boot camp holidays for singles not all hard work

It’s true boot camp holidays for singles is mostly about exercise, but it’s not all hard work. In between training, you’ll head out with your new single fitness friends to explore ancient monuments, sample local cuisine and immerse yourself in the culture. Some of the training programs even combine both. Every wanted to cycle past beautiful tiered paddy fields or around the grounds of a centuries-old temple?

Take everything home with you

All good things come to an end, but when you’ve boarded your plane to fly home, you’ll have 2 things – a armoury of techniques and information to continue your fitness and nutritional program and a new contact list of buddies from around the world who’ll all be eager to book up their next fitness holiday together.

Sold on a fitness holiday for singles? Every thought about the exotic Land of Smiles? Chiang Mai boot camp offer high-intensity training in the cooler Northern capital with expert coaches and like-minded guests in a fun and supportive environment. Experience a slice of authentic Thailand while working on your fitness regime and meeting new friends. Everything from transport, food, accommodation, coaching and excursions are taken care of, plus there’s often last-minute deals to be found, so get in touch.

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